Church Units

Children Ministry

The children’s ministry is a colorful, energetic, entertaining and dynamic ministry focused on teaching the word of faith to children from ages 3 to 11 years. The aim of the Winners Kidz ministry is to:

  • Help the children to understand the word of faith
  • Help the children to develop their identity in Christ
  • Encourage the children to develop an understanding of God’s purpose and plan for their lives.
  • Help the children to discover and use the gifts (spiritual, physical and mental) that God has deposited in them.
  • Providing learning in a fun-filled, child-centred, Christ dominated environment We encourage our parents to provide their children with notebooks, writing materials and Bibles.

At Winners Chapel Minnesota, we care a great deal about what our children learn and become as we believe that while it may be difficult to remould a grown man, it is better to mould a child and have him/her stay that way. That is the reason we give utmost attention to our children in our local assembly with the best of children teachers you can imagine who lead by example. You can rest assured therefore that coming to our local assembly with your children will be the best decision you have made for them.


Choir/Praise Team

The Choir ministers to the people in praise, worship and also special songs in all church meetings and services.
As the choir leads the congregation into the high praises of God and ultimately His presence, God Himself comes down with his blessings. Psalm 22:3
We use the instrumentality of music to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Evangelism Unit

“…Go ye therefore, into all the world and make disciples of all nations…” Matt 28:19 The evangelism unit exists to carry out the comprehensive vision listed below and of which you can become involved:
  • Preaching and teaching the word of God with the utilization of tracts to win souls in the community.
  • Visiting hospitals to pray for the sick and minister salvation to them.
  • Meeting to pray for Members, Converts, Outreaches and the Church.
  • Organizing occasional Mass Evangelism for the Church.
  • Occasional workshops on personal Evangelism and discipleship. Follow-up on souls won in the street outreaches.
  • The great commission mandate is versatile and cannot be fully enumerated, however the vision enfolds as the Spirit of God commands and leads us in the unit

Drama & Dance

God’s word is better projected through pictures as it is usually difficult to forget what you see. Just as when a man has seen God’s plan for his life in a picture, the likelihood is that he will diligently pursue that vision no matter the challenges until he sees it fulfilled based on the picture that he has seen.

Our presiding Bishop (Dr) David Oyedepo on May 2nd 1981 saw an array of helpless people beaten and battered and then he asked God, but why Lord and the Lord told him “But from the beginning, it was not so.” He then asked God again, “But why Lord”, and then the Lord spoke in clear terms…
And now the hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil through the preaching of the word of faith and I’m sending you to undertake this task.”
God’s servant has been mocked severally and openly castigated, but what he saw (picture) for 18hrs on that great day in May always keeps him going.

At Winners Chapel Minnesota, we have the grace to put the word preached on the pulpit into pictures for better clarity for those who never forget what they see. To join the DRAMA team, kindly fill the form.


I.T | Media and Technical Unit

Members of this unit comprise of skilled and trained media personnel who are responsible for our graphics, T.V outreach programs, film editing, and all forms of electronic and print media. They serve God in the furtherance of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ through the publication of the revelation of the Word of God.

The primary responsibility of the department is designing church program posters and updating church website (members of this team support the pastorate in their duty to ensure that people who seek to know about the ministry can easily access this information via the internet). They are also responsible for arranging for photo/ video coverage of church programs (in collaboration with the technical unit) Maintaining the church gallery page, which is intended to be a repository of important church event pictures.

They work in collaboration with other departments within the church to ensure that the website and church publications are up to date and have the relevant information that will be of help to the public.

The technical department of the church is responsible for the maintenance of technical equipment and media coverage of the church.
Duties of the department include:

  1. Maintaining and setting up musical instruments, audio, and visual equipment in the church for the service and other outreach programs.
  2. Recording messages of every service and special programs and produce (or reproduce) CD and DVD.
  3. Creating/updating and publishing media information of the church.
  4. Setting up and maintaining IT and networking equipment in the church.

Please fill the form to join this kingdom service group and be rest assured that you will reap the great benefits of Kingdom service as you get plugged in, in Jesus’ name!


The Prayer Force Team

At Winners Chapel Minnesota, we are tasked with the responsibility of taking the prayer requests of first comers and new converts to God in prayer. This is principally done by our PRAYER FORCE team who come together once a week to cry to God with one accord and prevail on Him to answer these requests with speed. These group also pray for the church as a whole, lifting up each service, each team, every attendee, every member and even the nation.

We believe that God answers prayers and He does not turn back prayers. This gives us the confidence that whatsoever we take to Him as a team is answered. (Is 65:24). There are tremendous testimonies that attests to this fact.

We are firm in the power of corporate prayer which is why we encourage everyone to come together and pray as members are taught responsibility by learning to pray for themselves and others. We also know for a fact that you’re important to God and when it comes to prayer, we believe that God wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you. So whatever is an issue of concern to you and need prayer for – we want you to know that there is a place for you at Winners Chapel Minnesota!

To be a part of what God is doing with this team, join us on a convenient day within the week as we come together to seek the face of God on these requests which are gathered in our “Ark of Testimonies” and which has presently culminated in Testimonies. Come expecting victory from every battle.

Jesus is Lord!!!

Prayer Meeting Schedule:

Tuesdays: – 6pm to 7pm

God Bless You!

The Hospitality Team

Members of this department are God fearing, heavenly minded individuals, who create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the church services. The team exists to extend hospitable ministry to the members & friends of Winners Chapel Minnesota, as well as to visitors and the surrounding Mineapolis Community. Besides welcoming worshippers at the entrance of the church, and assisting those who may need help to their seats, they readily show the Winners Chapel Trade marked tender, loving care to those in need of physical asistance, they live out the liberation mandate by lovingly embracing our neighbors and tenderly caring for those who may be hurting. As a unit, they work with other service groups to identify those responding to the altar call and direct them to the appropriate service group. – They provide adequate Christian care to worshippers during services and meetings. – They manifest the love of Christ to all worshippers. This Service Unit seeks to always show the love of Christ and the unity of His Spirit in tangible and practical ways. Is God laying it in your heart to be part of this unique kingdom service? You should not wait any further. Apply online or meet the church admin in person for further details.

The Decoration Unit

In our local assembly, we believe in not only keeping the sanctuary clean, we also have the responsibility according to scriptures of consistently keeping the sanctuary beautiful. This is where the decoratrion team come in. Our dedicated members of the decoration team work tirelessly to keep the sanctuary beautiful by consistently decorating the sanctuary. This team can be reached at their email address.

The Transportation Unit

Here at Winners Chapel Minnesota, we assist worshippers with transportation needs to church either on Sunday or Wednesday services, not because they are poor, but because their cars are on the way. We are of the faith that those that are assisted today will be picking others up tomorrow. We have a dynamic team of “Jesus Pilots” that are dedicated to making sure saints are in the services.

The Transportation Team ensures the safe transportation of members from and to their locations. They control the timeous conveyance of members to the church services and ensure they still get transport back home.

These pilots can be contacted through the dedicated phone number or by email. Please note however that the emails should be sent minimum 48hrs before service, however, calls can be made 24hrs before service for effective planning. We believe that those we assist

Call: 763-283-1119

The Ushering Team

Our dynamic Ushering team is responsible for welcoming worshippers and directing them to their seats. This is done with a warm smile always on their faces, They also assist in whatever capacity to ensure that worshippers are comfortable and that their needs are met during the services. e.g

  1. Directions to the restroom, assistance of nursing mothers.
  2. They are also tasked with maintaining order during meetings and services.
  3. They also minimize distractions such as crying babies and or ringing mobile phones during service.

Our ushering team boasts of wonderful men and women of God who are dedicated and are blessed with anointed and infectious smile that always sees new comers coming back.


The Protocol Team

At Winners Chapel Minnesota, we believe everybody is special according to scriptures to give honor to whom honor is due and also make sure all things are done in order according to 1 Cor 14:40) Let all things be done decently and in order.
  1. Our protocol team are therefore saddled with providing logistics and formalities during special services.
  2. Identifying visiting Minister’s VIP’s, church guests, special guests and appropriately attending to them.
  3. They are also saddled with processing and procuring guests travel documents and also guests transportation and accommodation.
Email: Email:

The Security | Crowd Control Units

The security, health and safety of all is paramount to the operations of this department.

The security of persons and goods is of great importance amidst the growing number of worshippers in our assembly so members of this department help to maintenance of law and order is of the essence with a growing congregation.

They are responsible for the co-ordination and control of car parking within and outside the church premises to ensure conformity with road and traffic regulation.

They ensure that members’ parked cars are secure during church services by observing and controlling traffic so as to enhance the safety of our commuting members.

With divine assistance, they also ensure that any compromise of general security and safety of members is swiftly dealt with. Membership is by application. Serving military personnel, paramilitary personnel, ex-service men and security service operators are welcome to the unit.

Email: |

The Sanctuary Keepers

Have you ever wondered how our church is usually so Pristine and Clean? We are committed women and men, devoted to making sure that the house of God is clean, tidy and well decorated for cleanliness is next to Godliness. These men and women are committed to serving God and the church in integrity, honor, and humility. Members of this Kingdom Service Unit:
  • Maintain a well organized and orderly use of the Sanctuary before, during and after Services and liaise with other groups to ensure the same.
  • Ensure that the sanctuary is fit for the purpose of all church meetings i.e. clean, tidy, and well arranged.
  • Arrange the sanctuary for the needs and the purpose of various services as needed.
  • Tidy the church auditorium, children’s church, offices, convenience facilities, and other church properties or venues as directed by the church authority.
  • Ensure the correct positioning of the pulpit and designated seats.
  • Ensure that access and aisles are free of all obstructions.
  • Ensure adequate provision for the disabled as the need arises.
  • Provide adequate directions regarding conveniences and other sanitary facilities.
  • Carry out proper waste management within the church premises.
  • Are responsible for the safekeeping of lost or forgotten items in the church.
  • Ensure that adequate air conditioning is maintained in liaison with the technical team During Service
To become a member of this Kingdom Service Unit. Please fill the form.
Email: sanctuary@winnerschapelmn.orgg